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Have you ever wondered how far back in history dental implants go? At Atwood Advanced Dentistry in Grand Junction, Colorado, we're diving into the fascinating world of ancient dental practices to uncover the roots of this revolutionary procedure - and let's just say, Dr. Atwood is grateful for the advancements we have today!

Archaeological discoveries from various parts of the world have given us a glimpse into the early days of dental implants. One notable find comes from Honduras, where researchers unearthed a jawbone belonging to a Mayan woman from around 600 AD. Surprisingly, this ancient jawbone had pieces of shell inserted into the sockets, serving as rudimentary dental implants. Imagine using seashells to fill the gaps in your smile!

In a separate excavation in...

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According to a study published in 2002 and reported by, it was found that over half of Americans are not satisfied with their smile in photos. This means that a large portion of the population is unhappy with the appearance of their teeth. In fact, 3 out of 5 people admit that they wish they could change their smile. This dissatisfaction with one's smile can have a significant impact, as 76% of people state that they form a first impression of someone based on their smile. With statistics like these, it's no surprise that the field of cosmetic dentistry is booming.

One of the most popular solutions for improving the appearance and function of the teeth is dental implants. The American Academy of Implant Dentistry reports that approximately 500,000 dental implants...

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Welcome to spring, the season of blossoming beauty! As the temperatures rise, and the days grow longer, nature comes alive, and so should your smile. At Atwood Advanced Dentistry, our renowned prosthodontist, Dr. Jake Atwood, invites you to embrace the beauty of spring and enhance your smile with transformative prosthodontic treatments like all-on-four implants, traditional dental implants, and dentures. Join us as we explore how these advanced dental solutions can help you achieve a fresh, beautiful smile just in time for the vibrant season.

Embracing the Vibrant, Renewing Spirit of Spring:

As the world around us begins to burst with color, it's the perfect time to breathe new life into our smiles. With...

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When it comes to dating, it's no secret that first impressions matter. Beyond the initial attraction, confidence plays a crucial role in forming meaningful connections with others. And one element that can significantly impact confidence is the appearance of our teeth and smiles. With Valentine's Day just around the corner, it's the perfect time to fall in love with your smile and enhance your self-esteem. At Atwood Advanced Dentistry, we specialize in helping you achieve a beautiful and confident smile that can leave a lasting impression on your romantic endeavors.

The Confidence Connection:

A genuine smile can speak volumes, conveying warmth, kindness, and approachability. Unfortunately, issues such as discolored teeth, crooked smiles, or missing teeth can hinder...

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Start the New Year with a smile! Atwood Advanced Dentistry is here to help you achieve your dental goals and create a beautiful, functional smile. Whether you're looking to restore damaged teeth or enhance your natural beauty, our team specializes in dental restorations that will leave you feeling confident and happy. Don't let dental issues hold you back this year – let us help you start the year with a new, radiant smile. Schedule your appointment with Atwood Advanced Dentistry today and make your dental goals a reality.

Your smile has a significant impact on your self-esteem and overall confidence. It's no secret that having a beautiful smile can enhance your appearance and make you feel more attractive. On the other hand,...


Missing teeth can have a significant impact on one's self-confidence and oral health. Fortunately, dental implants are a popular and effective solution for replacing missing teeth. Here’s why:

1. Long-lasting

Dental implants offer a long-lasting solution for missing teeth. According to research, dental implants have a success rate of over 95% and can last a lifetime with proper care. Unlike dentures or bridges, implants are securely fused to the jawbone, providing stability and durability.

2. Improved...
